Romancing the Weird by C.D. Watson

Now available: Romancing the Weird by C.D. Watson

Ebook and print editions of Romancing the Weird by C.D. Watson are now available.

Romancing the Weird is a collection of eight Science Fiction Romance, Fantasy Romance, and Weird Romance short stories.

The ebook's regular retail price is $5.99, though for a short time after its release it may be purchased for $2.99 at  AmazonBarnes & NobleGoogle PlayiTunesKobo, and other retailers.

The print edition retails for $14.99 and is currently available at Amazon, though it should shortly be available in a wider variety of outlets. Libraries and bookstores interested in stocking Romancing the Weird should contact us for more information at

An audiobook edition, narrated by Rebecca Winder, is forthcoming.

For more information, see the book's page.